Need to scale?

Applications should be designed to scale effectively, efficiently serve your target audience, comply with regulatory requirements & has appropriate security. We ensure all of these using our expertise on serverless technologies.

Introducing Serverless

With SRE and IOPS becoming one of cloud provider's responsibilities, Serverless technologies comes with all the benefits of containers, but with minimal DevOps requirements, giving great power to the developers. This allows rapid prototyping, MVP and Production launch of complex digital products.



Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) brings a new way of building applications with microservices architecture firmly at its core.


FaaS is very much language specific, but breaks the code up into individual microservices, which can be written and maintained independently.

External Triggers

Triggered by HTTPS request, messaging subscription or a file/ DB update, FaaS typically runs a single request and end; thus making them predictable.

Flexible Containers

Serverless containers allow developers to package microservices into containers and trigger at runtime.

All Agnostic

Containers can be built using any base OS, any language and any other installed packages.

Cost Benefits

Serverless containers can run multiple requests concurrently, making them cost-effective to deploy and manage.

With Quad, anyone can become Super-tech!

At Quad, we have a wealth of extensive experience in designing and planning applications using serverless technologies.

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